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The Fury said:
They won't. They'll remove the cross dressing, the jokes, the fun, they'll make it emo somehow.

If the game comes out for NX maybe Nintendo will remove some things out as they seem to be on a role with that.

I would like to see it remain as Turn-based, just because we don't get enough of it and FF7 is one of the best turn-based RPG of all time.  It's not like the formula they had when they created the game wasn't sucessful.

As well, give me the option to skip summon cut scenes.  The Knights of the Rounds summon was awesome....the first 2-3 times but then it got annoying cause it took so dam long!  It was literally like 1:30min long, and when using that summon it allowed me to take washroom breaks/grab some snacks etc...