BasilZero said:
JEMC said:
If you ask me why I didn't like it, I wouldn't be able to say exactly why. I liked all 3 Ezzio games, and I was looking forward AC3, but... I don't know. I found the forest setting kind of meh, I also like the cities of AC2 more and the stories told in the game didn't get me engaged.
But maybe it was me, maybe I just had enough of AC games and that's why the game didn't work for me.
Anyway, I have a question for you, guys. I've seen Watchdogs on sale for 6.33 €. It's a retail copy so I won't have problems with Steam & UPlay fighting for my attention. Do you think the game is worth it for that price?
Is it just the game itself or does it include the DLCs? Wont the Steam deluxe edition go on sale for low at this time?
If you just want to play the base game I guess its a good deal but for me I'm gonna wait for the Steam sale - glad you reminded me.
Glad I reminded you about it? Why? Don't you have it in you 700+ wishlist?
I think it's just the base game, and on Steam the base game is 29.99 € right now, which means that it would have to get an 80% off sale to beat that price. Will it go that low? I'm not sure, and then I would have to deal with Steam and UPlay.
Please excuse my bad English.
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