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Yes.. I don't see why it wouldn't be. They've always guaranteed (even if it's sometimes just by good relationships with other parties other than doing their own work) there's constantly something worth playing on PS as opposed to playing one game (no matter much omggoateemetaover90ss it is) every 6-12-18-24 months on other consoles..that's just not worth the investment and inevitably gets sold off in favor of buying PS games. 3DS currently holds the record of surviving without being used (~1 year) (edit: i mean, amount of time not used without resulting in me selling it) and only because there are 2-3 games in 2016 I want to play, 2015 was void (thanks region lock!).
People can't wrap their head around some basic stuff even though it's not so hard, as I said in the Most wanted thread you can see why people go to PS for their gaming needs by comparing the lists.