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Mistershine said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Moongoddess256 said:
Also, I'm sure we've all been stereotyped by other people before. I just think its silly. When people realize my name is Greek, I get Greek stereotypes dumped on me(like everyone assumes that I'm Greek orthodox). If people mistake me for asian, and sometimes they do (god knows why), I get some asian stereotyping too.

Heh, did you get called a wog at school? Oh ho I got that a lot :P

Stereotypes aren't really that bad. Most people including myself are willing to have a laugh at themselves now and then.

Most people wouldn't find this funny but we had an aussie customer in the shop a while ago and I says to him:
Alright Dirk(for such was his name), hows it going?
And he replies:
Don't ask mate, I'm fighting a fucking wog today!

Racist I know, but I though is was funny as at the time.

Also Moongoddess256 doesn't sound Greek, it sounds more 60s/70s hippie.

Lulz :P

I just looked up 'wog' in the urban dictionary too...



1. The overuse of haircare products.
2. Loud, obnoxious, abusive, arrogant.
3. Reject Australian values in favour of they're native country or the country of they're parents.
4. Affinity to soccer
5. Affinity to electronic music
6. Drive cars such as Holden commodores, Ford Falcons, WRX's etc. which have bodykits and custom paint jobs.
7. Dress usually in nothing but Nike and Adidas from hat to shoes.

"Basically, anyone with an olive complexion that you could picture with a gold chain buried in a patch of black chest hair"


LMAO. It's like they invented this word specifically to describe me bahaha.