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Video gaming can be a real addiction. A close friend of mine had a friend who struggled with Everquest addiction. Over time he lost his job, friends, ignored his family, all to get another fix from playing the game all day long. His family had to intervene at some point and keep computers out of his apartment. He did give me some nice gear early in the game though :/
Everquest widows is a real thing

I've had more addiction like symptoms from video games than I had when I was using drugs regularly. Actually video game addiction won it out over drug use. Ironically Everquest addiction 'saved' me from getting physically addicted to worse drugs.

Yet although there are no physical withdrawal symptoms to video game addiction, the mental symptoms are very much there. The 'itch' to play can be very strong. Only as recent as Mario maker did I have it again. The urge to finish creating a level was a bit overwhelming at times, closing myself off from everything around me while perfecting a stage. You can't even use the 'can't pause' / 'just one more quest' excuse with that.

Now Fallout 4 is testing me again. Gaming past 3 am at night, most through the day on Saturday. It's not that bad yet as the urge isn't there (yet) For now it's still a 'just one more thing' kinda addiction.

I'm not too worried about it though. All video games become boring after a while, even Everquest did. Then I wonder what was so great about that last open world game I played that I had to lose sleep over it. And happily start the next game :) It's a manageable addiction, and no hang overs or feeling slow in the morning is a big bonus. Sleep deprivation is sometimes still a problem though.