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So we appear to have more or less final numbers for October now.

One month down 2 to do. October will be the lowest selling month of the quarter. But do we have anything we can take from this? Xb one is up slightly from last year, but last October was pre-price cut, and this October is Halo 5. Being up 55K is not that much considering these factors. There is a good chance Xb one winds up down in November by a lot more than 55K. I would say chances are Xb one is looking like being down YoY unless MS does something pretty magical for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

October looks bad for PS4 being down YoY even though there was a price cut fairly early in the month. On the plus side there wasn;t much by way of software to push PS4 forward. PS4 is down 130K, but November is looking likely to be up YoY by a lot more than 130K, the price cut will really kick in this month and next month, and the CoD and SW LE bundles look like they will be huge. BO3 had a big launch by all standards other than it's own best ever efforst on 360 / PS3, so it definitely shifted a lot of hardware, and it looks like it might have got almost all main CoD fans into the next generation. If the UK is anything to go by only about 9% of CoD players are left still playing on last gen hardware. All that benefits PS4 more than Xb one. On Balance I think PS4 is looking to be up YoY, but 130K is not a small deficit to make up.

Wii U is marginally up YoY. There's a Splatoon bundle, but I have no real idea how that's going to benefit hardware sales. Wii U might keep on cruising to be up YoY by 5-10%

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix