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I hope there's a total clampdown, and the repatriation of all fake asylum seekers which I'm sure must be 80%+. If there's no strong evidence, they should be deported. Also, every effort should be made to send Islamic asylum seekers to other Muslim nations, not the West whom they appear to be at odds with.

Also, this total madness of rescuing sinking boats 2 miles of the coast of Libya, to then transport them all the way to Europe is utter madness! They should be swiftly took the 2 miles back to Libya.

Does it not make people cringe when they see so called Libyan / Syrian asylum seekers, and all they're presented with is 90% African males, many of whom will be radicalised.

Also, people need to understand that for every asylum seeker who's given EU citizenship, they can then bring all their family with them. The 1 million or so this year could easily equate to 4+ million when their families are brought over. Such vast numbers creates colonies of immigrants who then don't assimilate.

Saudi Arabia... They've took in no asylum seekers, their only input has been to say they'll fund the building of mosques throughout Europe so the new arrivals can pray. Does nobody see the sinister side to all of this??? Is this not alarming? Also, why aren't these fellow Arab states, whom are rich, held accountable for not welcoming their struggling Muslim brothers???