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Way too cheap of a build. Won't be relevant two years from now and you'll have to spend a bunch more just to make it relevant.

Drop the 6300. Get an i5 4460.
Drop the TX3 and get a 212 evo.
Pick up a cheap h87 motherboard.
Ram's fine.
Add an 120gb SSD to the 1TB HD.
Drop the 2GB 380 and get a 4GB one.
Case is expensive for a budget build. Just get a cheap thermaltake. They're big and usually have plenty of 3.0 ports.
I prefer CX600 for an AMD card because of the higher TDP. Going AMD CPU and GPU with a 550w is likely dangerous depending on how high you overclock.

Total will be a little over 800. This is the absolute lowest I would go with a build. Any lower and I'll be eating cost down the road by being forced to upgrade.

Stop buying budget PC's. They're a waste of money and aren't good price for performance. If you're investing in a PC, make sure it will last longer than two years. That means anticipating where graphics will be by that point based on what they were two years ago. System Requirements have never been as demanding as they are now.