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I think Sony definitely deserves to win this generation, after all they created the most capable console, in a tidy package, made the most improvements compared to last generation overall and laid the groundwork for that to happen, the competition really didn't, in fact they took the opposite approach.

As far as games goes Sony have better supported their machine internally compared to Microsoft, Nintendo have released more games than either, though their machine has been on the market for about a year longer than Sony or Microsoft's so that should be the case at this point, though Sony has more AAA and other kinds of exclusives coming in the future too, with plenty more to be announced by the 1st party studios.

Sony have put in the work creating a solid brand in past generations, building an industry leading network of studios. They aren't resting on their success either, despite the fact that they've been outselling the competition substantially.
PS4 really has something for every kind of game and it's that variety that is why Sony continue to be the market leader.

Despite what fans of Xbox claim Microsoft's support for Xbox One has been woeful at best and definitely pails in comparison to PS4, with MS leaving massive chunks of time without a single exclusive, that hasn't been true of Sony or Nintendo, not to the degree that Microsoft has let things continue.
Xbox Fans really should be demanding more.

Even if Microsoft hadn't tried DRM or made mistakes in making XBox One a media box first PS4 still would have been a more capable machine, with more games (that's been true since PS4's launch). MS always would have tried to bundle in Kinect, fool gamers into thinking it was necessary to the system's functionality.

As it stands PS4 has more AAA games already and more on the horizon, more new IP, more AA and Indie titles. Sony are continuing to build their studio network, developing relations with Studios outside of Playstation.
Sony are doing the most work.

I constantly see this whole thing of "Businesses can't care for their customers", which makes no sense, since the more you actually consider what kinds of products your target market wants and the more you actually genuinely do care about seeing their needs are met, the more likely people will actually buy your products.
Caring for customers and wanting profit actually aren't opposing things, they go hand in hand, the more you try to give your target market what you think they want, rather than appealing to their needs the worse you will do in the market, it's just a logical fact.