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Tachikoma said:
Azuren said:
The only problem I've had in my PS4 version is occasionally, the subtitles forget what they're doing.

When defending the settlers in the first town, and talking to the NPC's hold up in the top of the museum? yeah, scripting bug.

As for the OP, both games run at perfectly playable speeds, both games struggle here and there, "x outperforms y" is going to be a case by case situation and depend, largely, on if you're playing it off of hdd or disk, and where on the HDD the data is, how fragmented the drive is, the speed of the drive, the firmware version and so on, details completely left out by both this analysis and digital foundries.

celador said:
^^ Hits 0fps on X1 too

I find it depressing that in over an hour of footage people are focusing on a single seconds freeze in the entire hour+ of recorded footage, same goes for the xbox one version, and frankly, saying it "drops to 0 frames a second" is wrong, it isn't dropping to 0fps, it's freezing while the system streams in the rest of the data, and continues exactly from where it left off, no frames go unrendered so saying it has dropped or lost frames is completely wrong.

What is clear to me is that all the sites making a huge deal out of this are playing up these minor issues to generate hits and fanboys are lapping that shit up.

Once in a while people need to stop defending/attacking consoles and actually go and play some games.

^^^^^^ This one, I like this one