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Does Sony deserve to win this generation? Well, I suppose this depends on your definition of deserve. Do they deserve it because Microsoft and Nintendo handed this generation over to them? Yes they do. Do they deserve to win just because this is the 8th generation of video game consoles? No.

Much akin towards Teeqoz-Sans statement, for me, there really is no company deserving to win. Each competing console will finish out depending on how that company responds towards the current demand of what we as gamers, would like to have in the next console. If anything, appeasing towards your fanbase as a company and finding new ways to increase your current install base should always be top priority; regardless of who will finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay