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Aielyn said:

Do you remember *why* WWHD looked the way it did?

It was because that was one of the styles they were experimenting with for Zelda U, and they used WW to trial it, and ended up deciding to finish remaking WW in that style, even though Zelda U wasn't going to end up looking like that.

If they made that Zelda tech demo look like that, you can bet they were also considering a Zelda game in that style. What if that experiment led to Twilight Princess HD, but it took longer than WWHD for obvious reasons?

That is not true at all. They were never planning on using WW's art style. They were never considering a Zelda game in that style either. The tech demo was an isolated project to show off the graphical prowess of the Wii U. WWHD was use to test graphical effects planned to be used in Zelda U - graphical effects like bloom, cel-shading, and certain types partical effects that we've since seen used in Zelda U. None of those art styles were ever even remotely planned for Zelda U. Aonuma has stated for years that it would be a brand new art style, which it is.