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UPDATE: Found a reddit user who has some useful tips for this game if you want to invest some time in this game:

Want to customize you're home screen even more? You can with Nintendo Badge Arcade! Released in Japan a while ago, this game is finally out for North America today and will be out for Europe this Friday!

Following 3DS trend of free to start games, Badge Arcade also has microtransactions. Where does your money go? Well this game is basically a glorified crane game where you move the crane to snatch the badge you want. After you use up your all your attempts or free plays, you can  pay real money for to continue playing. You get 5 free plays when you first start the game and more if you do well in the practice crane game so make sure to do that!

Here's a short trailer of the game from Nintendo's YouTube channel!


With that said, let's share our home screen with badges! Here's mine!:

I was able to get all of those just from the free play session! Make sure to do the practice crane game so you can get additional free plays! 

Also check out other people's home design at the dedicate Miiverse page:

Here are some that I thought looked cool: 

Also found a helpful tip for this game from reddit: