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Ive liked the game so far.

The graphics are great, nothing mind blowing but they serve the game very well. Im just messing around Sanctuary so i dont know the scope of the game, but i guess that is huge.

The voice acting and sound are great so far, i like that the main protagonist has a voice. Also, it FUCKING blew my mind when Codsworth said my last name in the game, when i heard "Mr. Gutierrez" i was like WTF?!?!?!?! That was a very, very nice touch.

The combat feels nice and very Fallout/Bethesda, ive played mainly in first person so i dont know how it handles in 3rd. The VATS is back, and like previously said, now its kinda in real time, the enemy keeps moving, albeit in slow motion so the difficulty is cranked up a little higher in that regard. I dont like that the 9mm gun that you begin with doesnt have that feeling of weight and power when shot, but thats mainly an engine issue common in Bethesda games.

What stroke me harder was the newest build your house kind of thing on this game. I wasnt expecting that! I see myself losing tons of hours messing around and creating stuff.