bananaking21 said:
Destiny, with 3 months of pre-orders and massive Destiny hype sold 300k the entire month. huge numbers, but still BF is bigger. but as i said before, Sony only needs to drop the price of the SW bundle to 299$ and they would sell a shit ton. maybe even bundle a game like infamous or until dawn. |
Bundled games are inevitable on Black Friday, and like I keep saying (sorry to bang on about it), I think the price is already $300 for the PS4 but it's being hidden under the bundles. I don't think Sony will lose as much money as people think if they offer Star Wars/Black Ops Bundles with TLOUR + Uncharted Collection + 'bonus game of the vender's choice'. I think Sony will win Black Friday on top of winning the month.
The PS5 Exists.