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Rab said:
Tachikoma said:

I don't think it's right to include prodecural generation based games in terms of biggest because they are by their nature limitless, if we were to count prodecural generation games, then all of them would share the top position since all of them would be capable of endless map generation (hardware allowing).

Thats an arbituary/goal shifting rule, one suited to supporting a particualr view, it doesnt matter what the mechanism is, it's the end result, if No Mans Sky is endless then that is the size of the map

Actually, it's a rather logical rule.

How exactly do you measure the size of infinity?, it's the same ilk as calling a simple game where there is no ending only a high score table, and if you keep playing without dying there is no attainable goal beyond a high score, is it right to call those the longest games ever made, because they have the potential to be played forever?, they, in my opinion, belong in a class of their own.

Largest world map should be about a fixed, manually created world only, not prodecural generation as procedurally generated worlds do not carry the same connotations towards effort and skill as a large manually created fixed world.

When a game with a pre-created world ships, that world is predefined and set in stone, but sometimes, as is the case with fallout and skyrim, expansions upon that world could be made, in the same light, when minecraft ships and no mans sky ships, the pre-created areas are miniscule, and it relies on generation to build a world for you, a world unique to each player, not a world every user gets to explore in the same way.