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Kyros said:
Whats the class difference here?

MGS is much much much much better than Ninja Gaiden? They do not even play in the same league. I played Sigma and honestly the story is weak, the gameplay repetitive, the characters and settings weird.
Its a great fighting game with good controls and really nice graphics and it does what it does amazingly well but its a bit limited isn't it?
And if you look at the past incarnations sales there is also a small difference isn't it?

No doubt, to a casual gamer MGS series is beter than NG however anyone that has spent a LOT of time with both can tell you that they are about the same if not NG being a little superior.

I've beaten MGS1 3 times, MGS2 twice and MGS3 2 times as well...I've beaten the Twin Snakes remake on Gamecube as well. Its an amazing game series that from the get go blows you away however it doesn't age very well at all or provide much replay after the story is done. The main attraction is the story...

NG however doesn't start you off on a high like MGS does but if you beat it on harder difficulties (if you're lucky to be talented to do this) you realize the brilliance of the fighting system and the sense of achievement in doing that is unrivaled by any other game I've played. Story has nothing to do with NG appeal unlike MGS...