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What would a movie like this even be about? Because this is one of those situations where its outcome and message will almost entirely depend on which of its aspects the director focuses on the most of the whole situation. The amount of harassment people had to go through because of the Gamergate situation was vile, and depending on how that's portrayed you'll have some saying they either went too soft on it and others claiming it "misrepresented what Gamergate is" (whoever is okay with harassing people can get fucked, you're not a hero). I don't support Gamergate so hopefully this is treated with seriousness. 

Edit: My original post in this thread was worded very poorly and did not do a good job at conveying what my point was all this time ago so I came back to rewrite it with a more accurate representation of what I was trying to say at the time. 

Last edited by FloatingWaffles - on 13 August 2021