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I don't think the industry has an undisputed leader anymore. From the mid 80's until the mid 90's, it was Nintendo. Even when Sega was gaining marketshare in the US, Nintendo still pretty much defined what the video game industry was at the time. From the late 90's to the mid 2000's, it was Sony. After that, it was no one. The industry had become so fragmented that there wasn't one company or brand that was absolutely needed. The industry needed Nintendo at one time. It needed Sony at one time. Nowadays, nobody needs Nintendo or Sony. In fact, nobody truly needs iOS or Android. There are more choices and all these different platforms can co-exist together because a wider range of people are gaming nowadays. A company can make all their money on mobile platforms without ever having to touch a development kit for a console. Likewise, a company can successfully do all their business on a console without having to release one single mobile game. Then there's the PC. Publishers can be PC exclusive and still remain profitable.

So to be specific, there's no undisputed leader. Arguably, there's a leader in mobile gaming, a leader in console gaming, and a leader in PC gaming and even that can be disputed.

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