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veritaz said:

I never even mentioned anything about PSNOW, I care very little for it or what happens to it so 60% of what you said has no meaning to me. Sony doesn't even seem to want to put PSNOW there. They will probably kill it off like PlayStation Home.

As for the last part I just don't see it that way. The devs didn't have to sell off the IP, they decided to of their own free will. This isn't anything new since Sony has been trying to get any IP they like since the PS1 days. Which is a better deal because now a major publisher owns it and can make an even better and bigger game next time even if it's on 1 platform. It gets at least made instead of an indie studio having to find another way for it to be funded. Only real reason to be mad at it is if you don't own the platform which isn't their fault.

My mention of PSNow wasn't aiemd at you, I should have pointed that out earlier on, I meant it in general talk, like an open response to anyone who's already going to talk of PSNow (which some already have for some eason).

Why only 60%?.

I prefer when an IP is owned by the devs since it allows the freedom of the IP to grow and go in any direction than being bought by a corp and landing on only one platform where you have no choice but to buy the system, I;d rather play the IP on my system of choice and everyone be able to play the game. IP's afaik still grow and evolve without having to be directly under the foot of Sony, Nintendo or MS, all the rest are mostly universal.

"Only real reason to be mad at it is if you don't own the platform which isn't their fault."meh, just another reason for me to dislike them all the more for buying up universal IP's. If they are bought up and made exclusive then I'll simply not bother with the IP and support other devs who are willing to give me the time of day on my platform without having to sell their soul and still make bank while also being able to evolve and improve their game (something that oddly enough happens without Sony and co).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"