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Teeqoz said:
Cloudman said:
Huh..? When did they price their goods at a loss while still being a good affordable price. The PS3 and Vita were still too pricy to buy, even at a loss, and the PS4 they still made money on that day 1... I guess he's talking about the PS1 and 2?

Anyways, to make a base, I'll say 200 USDs or less?

PS4 was sold at a slim loss after factoring in shipping costs etc. Also he never really said that they sold it at a loss while being an affordable price.... Just that they sold it at a loss to chase higher installbase rather than profits from day one.


You may say that the PS3 was "too pricy to buy" (whatever that means, considering it sold as much in that first period as the affordable 360 when you align launches), but it was ridiculously cheap for the tech that was in it. The PS3's BoM was like 850$.

I coulda sworn they were making profit on it day one. Didn't they say so themselves at the start of the launch? It also sounds weird that they sold the PS3 at a loss, but still costed a lot. Sounds like they went overboard on the PS3 tech.



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