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Nautilus said:
taus90 said:
Nautilus said:
Intrinsic said:

Whenever I see this kinda skepticism I actually chuckle a little to myself. I think VR is going to surprise a lot of people. I'm more convinced of this due to the fact that since no one knows whst to expect of it they just write it off. VR marks the single largest jump in gaming since when we went from 2d gaming to 3d.

Same could be said about the Dreamcast and inclusion of internet acess and online play, but in the end it failed.Innovation wont sell itself.What makes something successful is the combination of everything, be it innovation, hype,content, price(specially this), among other things.Dont get me wrong:I think that PSVR is a great piece of tech and could bring gaming to a new age, but not with this price and the requeriment it needs for you to use it.It is just way too expensive, and even more for something not proven.Not to mention that you will need to buy a Move for some games, adding even more to the pricetag(if it dosnt come bundled with the VR)

what??? doesnt every console since past three gen came with the ability to connect to the internet or are you saying its because of Sega's decision to include modem dreamcast failed??. what i understand from your statement is that a consoles ability to connect to internet died with dreamcast! which is not true.. so based on that even if psvr fails there will be someone else who will succeed, just like dreamcast and onlineplay.. and if vr does succeed inspite of Playstation VR failure, I bet sony would risk releasing Ps5 without PLaystation VR 2.

Wait, thats not what I meant.Dreamcast failed for many different reasons, but my argument was that, if innovation was the only thing a console(or in this case an acessory) needed to succeed, then the Dreamcast wouldnt have failed.For all its errors, Sega was ahead of its time putting online interactivity in it.But its errors ended up making it a failure.And I think its a similar situation for the PSVR.

Now, dont get me wrong, Sony didnt make any mistake with the tech itself.It looks amazing, and the level of immersion it can provide, by what i hear, sounds incredible(I myself wanna try it someday).But if it isnt viable financially it wont succeed.If the price was for the whole package, like a normal console, then I could see it working.But as an acessory?That also requires to buy a PS4?I understand that this is more aimed for people that already own a PS4, but those people wont be happy to play an addicional 300 dollars just to use an acessory, and an unproven acessory at that(by unproven I mean something thats new to the mass market).I truly hope it has its own level of success, but I just dont see it.

And by the way, even if it fails, it wont go away.It will eventually come back when the technology is cheaper, or sony(for example) tries to bundle it with a future console at a reasonable price.

Yeah thats the thing, even if sony fails in vr there are other bigger players who might succeed, and we can all agree that sony wont be giving up on VR if their product fails, I believe even the next xbox will have a VR headset (microsoft will buy someone from kickstarter). So learning from the failure of PSvr and cheaper parts sony will be back in vr scene with PS5.. But VR is here to stay, which headset will succeed this gen remains to be seen, my bet is the one which is cheaper out of the three and whatever PSvr cost I dont see VIve and oculus selling at lesser price than PSvr. but the biggest problem for psvr will be that it will be bound to a single console, then again i dont think sony is targeting anyone outside of playstation demographic