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SnakeDrake said:
Zoombael said:

so what? indie =! indie


considering how much work is put into games like no mans sky, alienation, shadow of the beast and wild its hard to comprehend such attitude. those arent your  everyday "woohoo, we reached the 50k mark on kickstarter" indie games.

Well look at everyones prediction in this thread how many are excited on games indie devs make or indie games in general. 


first, there are a lotta people interested in indie titles, like no mans sky, wild and alienation. including myself. i put emphasis on those particular games because they have recources (money, hardware AND time) other indie developers can only dream off, plus  lot of attention by the press. the results are far superior than your average kickstarter project. to be frank, i dont consider them indie. so yes, there is indeed a big demand for this particular part of gaming. why shouldnt there be? didnt you notice how big the indiemarket has become? *er*


second, even if sony doesnt present any new big tripple A with cherry on top it still would be enough to show some new material on already announced games - and VR. there are 5-6 major titles scheduled for 2016 and the majority is quite satisfied with what they get.


third, does it really matter? we already know ssm is working on a new game/ip, so is bend, and rumors have it ps4 will get a lot exclusive love by from software.


SnakeDrake said:
Ali_16x said:

So what? Just because people don't make predicitons about indies doesn't mean people don't like them. No one would have predicted Firewatch, SOMA, etc but those games look amazing and I will buy them. There really isn't any point in predicting indies. We all know they're going to be there but we can't really predict them and it sure as hell doesn't mean we aren't going to buy them.

It was a year or 2 ago where indies dominated Sony's conference. It left a lot of people here really disappointed and pissed off. Sony and a lot of indie games got flank for it. I'm just letting people know the possibility so that it won't have a repeat of an indie backlash again.

srsly? that was a year or two ago. much has changed  since than. and... it isnt sonys fault if people cant be patient.

Hunting Season is done...