nanarchy said:
We don't have any official or accurate numbers out of the UK yet, especially not digital so saying it sold half is silly. Not to mention that if that is correct (not saying it isn't but we have nothing real to base it on yet) then it actually makes the 400m number even more amazing as it means consoles sales must have been astronomical for the week. |
^ untrue(we have officual numbers).
Neogaf check everyone that makes claims about being such and such, and haveing offical numbers.
If your lieing your banned (they have tons of people that actually do have access, and double check their numbers, vs whatever someone claims).
That dude that posted the numbers has obviously been vetted, as being a real person that has access to real numbers.
That ofc doesnt mean he has the digital ones. However its fair to "guess-estimate" how much that is, based on what other games normally sell digitally.
"especially not digital"
Common, its safe to use abit of common sense. If all other games on avg sell like 10-20% digitally, WHY? wouldnt you assume Halo did as well?
Halo in the UK sold much much lower than Halo 3 did, even if it had a unsual high amount of digital sales (which it probably didnt).
"then it actually makes the 400m number even more amazing as it means consoles sales must have been astronomical for the week."
Loseing half your typical sales isnt amasing. The amount of cash they made from everything halo related is pretty good though.