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So I'm almost done with the second campaign mission and if every gameplay mission is as good as these then holy shit! I have almost 2 hours of play time just to almost finish these two missions. And none of the deaths feel cheap like playing CoD on Veteran mode where respawning enemies can one shot you. These encounters have multiple ways to be tackled and require strategy. I skipped every campaign after Halo 2 but this makes me wanna buy the MCC and play through them.

What I really like is the design of the missions and the game world. It really feels like a sci-fi game and a battle against alien races. Compare it to something like Destiny, that first open mission on an alien world in Halo 5 was amazing. It looks and feels like an alien world. And the "grunt" type Forerunner enemies (I assume this is who they are, again, not up to speed on Halo lore) are most interesting than virtually anything in Destiny that isn't an end raid boss.

Then the second mission you're on a space ship and it actually looks and plays like a big battle on a space ship. And I don't really care about switching between Dudebro Spartan 1 and 2... seems like such a petty complaint. As long as the narrative makes it work. We'll see if it does.

As amazing as these first two missions are, I realize now that Fallout 4 is out in less than a week and there's no way I will finish on Legendary on time.