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Let me disclose that I'm not an FPS fan, and I never cared for the Halo series.  So given the review scores of the most recent Halo release and the trend of the series, I do believe that Halo is about to run its course as a 1st party system seller exclusive.  But with that being said, I don't see why it's not a great game and will appeal to both FPS and specifically Halo fans alike.

Survival horror (Not counting the RE franchise) is one of my top three genres, and I'm not going to let "poor" reviews stop me from appreciating the games.  That doesn't mean that I will convince myself that a game is enjoyable when it's not.  But because of the genre, I'll give it a fair shake.  And I always find something that keeps me coming back to the genre whether I deem the game is good or bad.  So I try not to get discouraged by a numerical score.

Just recently, I received Corpse Party: Blood Party VITA in the mail.  It's at a 64 on Gamerankings.  I pre-ordered Deadly Premonition the Classified Edition, the PS3 Director's Cut is at 71.  Siren: Blood Curse at 77.  The Calling Wii at 51.  Kuon PS2 at 59.  And Cursed Mountain Wii at 69.  Yes, it's my time and money that I'm gambling with.  But I'd rather play the "mediocre" Silent Hill: Homecoming (at 71) over the AAA Halo 5 anyday.  (All score taken from GameRankings, and I own all titles mentioned with the exception of Halo 5.)

Yes, you have some PlayStation fans who will downplay the recent Halo 5 while the some Xbox fans will blindly defend it especially with the recent released review scores not keeping up with previous releases. But in the end, who cares?  The point I'm trying to make is that don't let the numerical score get you, don't fall into the hype, and just play what you like.  How simple is that?