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Sprash said:

Well let us imagine a world without pc's or gaming pc's would sony stop producing consoles? would sony stop producing first party games? would nintendo stop with producing games and consoles? I don't agree with that, why should they stop? They make so much money with that and not one cent comes from pc's for both of them.

so what would change for sony and nintendo? microsoft is a bit outside of that with the opening up to the pc market.


Life is always easier in hindsight.

But the answer is... Maybe.

What if... Nintendo and Sony's partnership played out and Sony never enetered the market?
What-if, consoles never existed, which meant Nintendo never existed, which meant that Sony never had any need/want/desire to enter the console market?

But I'll bite.

No. Sony wouldn't stop producing consoles. Why should they? They make money. They are a business. They like money. They want money. They will try to earn money.
Same with their first party games, if it's profitable, why not?

I am not suggesting that consoles should cease to exist, just saying a PC from a technical standpoint doesn't need consoles to exist, they don't fund the hardware development. The reverse isn't true however.

Now you ask the *real* question. What would change?

Well. Let's remove all PC technology from the equation.

That means, no Jaguar CPU, that means no GDDR5 Ram, That means no Radeon or Geforce GPU.

So what would you use to build a Playstation 4? Well. You would likely go Rambus like with the Playstation 3. The CPU? PowerPC hands down, just like the Playstation 3.
GPU? Adreno? Qualcom bought that from AMD/ATI. "Adreno" is a play on the word "Radeon" (Letters mixed up.) So that would need the PC market to exist.
PowerVR? Likely wouldn't exist, they used to be PC.
Tegra wouldn't happen. That is PC.
So let's go with Mali.

The fastest Mali GPU back in 2013 when the consoles launched was the Mali T604. Which could have up to "8" GPU compute cores, with each core being rouhgly 17Gflop. Aka. At most 136Gflop.

Essentially... Your consoles today might have been a little faster in terms of CPU power, possibly a little more Ram. (Rambus loves to fleece users with high pricing, that would hamper things.) and a significantly inferior GPU which would mean lower quality textures, shadows, Anti-Aliasing, resolution, framerates, cats' etc' compared to the last generation. Not ideal is it?

And I haven't touched on other things like Operating Systems. API's. PS3/PS4 use a PC OS. - Linux and PC API's. - OpenGL or a derivative.
Converesly, most of the worlds internet infrustructure exists because of the PC, it's what runs business's/internet, it is what brought things like Facebook and Email to the world.
It's what is used as the technology for your servers that you play your console games on.

What would happen to PC's from a technical perspective if consoles never existed? Nothing. Literally. Nothing.

Sprash said:
Bolded: Case in point the witcher 3 (the witcher 1 a pc exclusive and witcher 2 xbox console exclusive) sold more on ps4 than pc.


Games are a little different and a little more difficult to quantify.

For one, PC games have legs. Legs that carry them for years.

Let's take the original Fable for instance... That was released on the PC back in 2005, 10 years ago.
It had moderate success.
However, years later it was released on Steam, no added work, no overhaul, no patches, nothing, just released on Steam where it sold a fairly substantual amount of copies, maybe even more than it's original PC release.
Then every now and then, maybe a couple times a year... It goes on sale where it shoots up to the top of the sales charts, shifting more and more copies.

Over time, I wouldn't be surprised if the PC version of the game outsells the Xbox version of the game.

The Original StarCraft for instance sold reasonably well on it's release... But 10 years later, it had shifted almost 10 million copies as it was on sale for that entire period.

And you are right about The Witcher 3.
However, you failed to tell the entire story.

CD Projekt Red has higher profit margins on the PC. And the majority of PC's sales are digital.
In the end... Despite digital only being 25% of sales, it ended up being 50% of revenue, bulk of which was PC.

Regardless, it's common knowledge that some games will always sell better on PC some better on console. Always been that way, always will be that way, fact of the matter is... Less copies need to be sold on PC to be successful, that has always been that way.

Lawlight said:

1. You might want to check your Activision data again for 2014. PC - 13%vs. console - 49%.

It's clear in black and white in the context that I originally conveyed.

Lawlight said:

2. Steam margin means nothing if the value itself is low, as demonstrated by the example that I gave. High numbers but low revenue.

One example of a poorly received, not very popular indie game. Sure. I can see how that is a blanketed example for the entire industry. (That is sarcasm.)

There are plenty of Steam success stories.
Cthulhu saves the world. Outsold the console version 10 to 1.

This guy made $2 million bucks thanks to Steam, beating out all other paltforms.


Lawlight said:

3. Minecraft was released on PC for how many years before it was released on console again?

Uh. That is always going to be a "thing". - PC games can continue to be sold indefinitely. A console game can only be on sale for the life of the device.

Still. Minecraft PC has still outsold any console version and continues to do so.
I'll ask again. Want more examples? Or are we done here?

Lawlight said:

4. You put up a link about mutiplatform games selling better on PC than the X1 but says that the PS4 outsells both.

Only for those games listed. You are missing the point that they (And I.) are trying to convey however.

Lawlight said:

5. You also put up a link about PC games revenue, which includes social network games, MMOs from Asian, etc. And as I said, 1.4B people in China is a big market. Yes, China makes up 1 out 3 PC gamers.

Well. Consoles are sold in Asian countries too. Apples to Apples you see. World wide vs World wide. Or do you want Western (PC) vs Worldwide (Consoles.) as you believe that is a fairer comparison point?

Prove it.

Lawlight said:

6. None of those games that you listed interest me. If hey did, I might have gotten a PC. Honestly MOBAs and RTS or city building sims are boring to me.


Personal opinion. Not relevent to the topic at hand.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--