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Pemalite said:
Lawlight said:

If you're playing Chinese MMOs then sure, PC gaming can survive without console. Wherever their roots were doesn't change the fact that the PC gaming industry can go away and consoles will still be alive. In the west, consoles sales subsidize PC games sales.

Umm. What? Again, you can't be serious.  lol

Pretty sure the PC is the more profitable singular platform for publishers/developers... There are profit margins of 70% on PC, where-as consoles it's more like 30% last time I checked.

Many PC games sell better on PC than consoles. Case in point: Diablo 3.

Plus... Kickstarter kinda' makes your point completely and utterly irrellevant. Case in point: Star Citizen.
PC has more games, has more exclusives, has more gamers.
Even it's exclusives are some of the most expensive platform exclusive games produced of all time. Case in point: Starwars the old republic.

Not sure where you got 70% from. Care to provide a link? And even then, a game has to sell multiple times over to make up what they would get on consoles. Here's an example:

PS3 sales: 4 050 units

PSV sales: 2 763 units

PC sales: 105 754 units


PC 57%

PS3 26%

Vita 17%


Many PC games sell better on PC than consoles and you list Diablo 3? You're telling me that a series that originated on PC and that got released 16 months earlier on PC than on consoles sold more on PC? Shocker.

As for Star Citizen (has it been released yet?), it's obviously an exception rather than the rule. How many games have got that much support on kickstarter?

Yes, I'm sure PC has more games, exclusives and gamers but then again, there's what 1.4B people in China so there is a big market there.

And your last point about most expensive exclusives... not sure what that's about.