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Lawlight said:
Pemalite said:
If the PC falters. That would spell bad news for consoles.

Who the hell do you think funds the R&D for high-end graphics cards that goes into your consoles? ;)
PC isn't going anywhere, that "death song" has been singing for decades.

Also hilarious how the Op claims that a Geforce 970 is hardly an improvement over the PS4 because of the Witcher 3...
But fails to take notice that the PC version is running at higher framerates, better textures, better lighting, better filtering, better anti-aliasing, better shadowing... And more. Yes. Hardly an improvement at all. HARDLY AT ALL.

The amount of horse power needed to double your framerates is a significant one for a game like Witcher 3.

Not to mention the drivers used in those benchmarks are simply archaic, there have been a ton of free performance improvements since then for that game.

But you know, cherry picking and all.

Nopes. Console gaming can exist without PC gaming but the reverse is not true.

Keep dreaming mate. ;)

Games are made on a PC as consoles aren't fast or flexible enough to handle Gigabytes worth of datasets such as textures, general art, sound bytes, compiling, cats. etc'.
Consoles also don't have the technology support to build those assets, such as graphics tablets, 5k/8k professional multiple monitors, lazer scanners to scan real-life objects, you name it.

Hardware is made primarily for the PC, filtered down to consoles. GPU's, Ram, CPU's, Storage. The lot. - Unless you want a Mobile/Cell Phone ARM SoC for the Playstation 5? If so. Go buy the Ouya.

It used to be financially feasible to build your own microprocessors, but as processors, be it CPU or GPU... Have gotten orders of magnitude more complex as transister counts have exploded... Due to our needs for more speed and flexibility... So have their costs of designing and fabricating them.
It wouldn't be feasible to build a 10~ Billion transister SoC for the next generation consoles, not from scratch, hence why console manufacturers have been leaning more and more heavily on the PC space for technology improvements. - It's on the cutting edge, always.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--