Snoopy said:
This will be my last reply, as your bias shines as clear as the sun.
First of all, KZ:SH and I:SS were the best selling installments in their respective franchises. So, the popularity of the PS4 boosted those franchises. What did the XBO do for Forza? It's slowly killing it. Forza 5 didn't even pass 2M. Forza 6 is doing even worse. Halo 5 has a shot at being as good a seller as the others, though I see that falling short of even 8M. Could be wrong. The PS4 is also responsible for creating and helping at least two new AAA IPs succeed, Bloodbourne and Driveclub. Now you could say Titanfall for XBO, but of course we never got hard numbers for that, except that it sold 1M in the Quarter it released, many of which were also from PC. There's also the fact that the sequel will be coming out to PS4, so guess that doesn't really matter anymore.
As for H:MCC, funny how you discount ports when speaking of PS4 numbers, yet use a collection of ports to tout the XBO SW sales. Yep, no bias there. So, using your criteria of AAA exclusive, minus ports, the XBO only has (maybe) ONE AAA exclusive that sold 2M+, so far, to Sony's 4. (Slow clap) Probably the reason many are willing to just stick to PS4 if they are only developing for one console.
The fact remains that more games are selling better on the PS4. No debating it. And once Sony actually releases its biggest guns, GOW, UC, and GT, you're going to see who really has the higher selling exclusives. Of course, I fully expect you to move the goalpost, yet again.