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Hardly, Sony also has more exclusive content people are spreading their money around... its the main reason I am still waiting on purchasing BB, Drive Club, LBP3 and a few others! I just got around to playing the Order for crying out loud (love it BTW). One of the main reasons I buy a console is 1st party, but I also have a lot of 3rd party franchises I like playing and I am not even going to mention the top notch digital exclusives Sony has to offer.

When I had a XB1 for about 3 months I had 11 games, 3 of them were 1st party. Sunset Overdrive, MCC and Forza Horizon 2. These were the ONLY 1st party games that I could see that the system offered me. Any other 1st party game I could get on PC. So I got looking into the 3rd party and I seen the PS4 version often offered exclusive content or better visuals... So I sold it and went back to the PS4. MS seems to rely on Forza, Halo and Gears... If you're into those games great, but they don't offer much in the way of 1st party content other than that so you have less competition among AAA first party games.

lets also not forget the PS4 version of the Last of US has moved 3.3 million and yes it's a port... But it's new to MANY PS4 owners who are 360 converts or simply missed out (like me) on the PS3. That is still impressive.

What I am saying is its not as black and white as you seem to want to put it. I am not hating the XB1, I will get another someday when the exclusives warrant a purchase of a console. I don't see it now or in 2016, but I have hope.