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I like both.

Console's hassle free gaming is very nice sometimes.

Also, PC only recently got a quality wireless controller (xone's). It's no fun playing on an old 360 controller when you know there's better out there. In terms of comfy couch gaming, console are far more accessible and more relaxing.

PC graphics can't be touched, not even close. Some games are breathtaking, while console will always have some sacrifice, be it frame rate, shadow quality, something, AF, effects, etc.. There's always some graphical defect you have to "deal" with on consoles. Always has been and it hasn't changed this gen. So many games, while looking good, have some major distraction that you have to get over. This gen, there are way too many low res shadows, and inferior AA which is glaring at times and still no consistent 30 FPS.

A lot of multiplat games games have much larger multiplayer user bases on consoles.

I prefer console exclusives but obviously the the most popular exclusives (DOTA, LoL, etc.) are on PC.

I say get a console and build a PC.