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Kjartan said:
twintail said:
Bloodborne and Until Dawn seem to be favourites.

I would say try out Infamous SS and then Infamous FL. Personally the latter is far better but the first is still fun.

Oh get Rocket League.
Best. Mp. Ever.


Will get Until Dawn and Rocket League for sure! Also what is Infamous? Never heard of it.

The first two Infamous's on PS3 were better than Second Son, though Second Son is still good. But if you don't know the first 2 then Second Son should be a fun ride. As far as I know there is litterally no better way to get around in an open world game than with the powers you get in inFamous. It's the sort of open world game where you actively chose NOT to use fast travel because travelling the regular way is just so much damned fun. Also the open world is not so vast as it being largely occupied by empty space. I also agree that First Light (a spin off single mission game using your sidekick from the main game as the playable character) is better in many respects and I would really love to have a full game centred on that character.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix