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Just so you guys know WB released Arkham Knight back onto Steam with both the SP and base game being at full price. Their form of "compensation" is basically them giving you the older Arkham games, one of which was also a bad port, for a limited time offer that expires on Nov 16th.

So really this is a deal that covers only those who have never played the series on PC at all and anyone else who actually owns the previous titles gets nothing at all (which is the majority and especially telling in the forum topics and comments on the page WB posted).

Also the port is still busted for some it seems:

All I know is even though I didn't buy the game and stayed clear of it, I now know it;s in my best interests to just not support WB in the future because they clearly don't care about giving you a quality product let alone compromising their image just a bit to cover more than a single angle (talking about the bad deal).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.