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ganoncrotch said:

Emulation as in a program to put the bios and roms of a console into might be legal, as in the actual program that would handle those files.

Ripping the BIOS from a console tho especially something like a SNES is very hard to do and downloading ripped BIOS from the internet is not 100% legal, that console OS software belongs to Nintendo.

As for owning the complete libraries of Roms from those systems.... even if you did have the actual phsical versions of all the games, I still think you aren't legally allowed to back them up onto a PC and play them, emulation of old games isn't legal simple as that, it isn't even a grey area.

Where did I say anything about ripping a BIOS? That's a grey area. You are getting into semantics. ;)
Also a BIOS isn't an OS.
The legalities of Obtaining a BIOS will vary depending on where you live in the world and various legal precedents, for me it is perfectly legal.
Converesly, many emulators don't need a BIOS, they emulate the BIOS.

Fact of the matter is... I can legally play a PS2 game on my PC without consequence. Pop the disk in, fire up the emulator.

JNK said:

Used Hardware will probl. break faster. So you wont save money in the long run. BTW: Used ps4s are also cheaper so your whole argument just dont count. Overclocking reducing lifespan of you hardware (special with cheap fences) as well

Used hardware "might" break faster. Even if it did? So what. It might last decades.
You can buy older components second hand for stuff all these days, if not free.
And PC gaming is still cheaper in the long run if you own a large game library over a period of years. Cheaper games, free online, cheaper accessories does that.

JNK said:

So thats what PC gaming is about? So much hassle just to save some bucks to be able to compete with a console? You know, instead of looking for an ugly old pc case, i can just pick up an ps4 and im fine. Will probl look better then any case below 100 bucks.

It's called choice. If you think PC gaming is all about the hardware, then you are very very wrong and mis-informed.

JNK said:

Sorry but cheap 5$ Keyboards and mouse arnt as good quality as 8th gen controllers, so your gaming expierence on pc will be inferior in terms of controls. Why should i hassle with all this, using cheap and second hand hardware, if i can just get an brand new ps4 even cheaper with good quality controller? Why?

Nothing beats a mouse in terms of accuracy, even a cheap $5 mouse is vastly more accurate and faster than a controller.

The point is, you don't *have* to go second hand to lower the price, you could, but you don't have too. Are you adverse to choice or something?

JNK said:

Yeah, i can get an Ps3, xbo 360, ps4, xbox one, wii u, Nintendo 3ds, Ps Vita. Thats choice too.

Being a PC gamer doesn't prevent you from owning a console. I own several in-fact. My Xbox 360 game collection is only about 180 games large.

JNK said:

In the end i guess you will be cheaper on consoles anyway. It always depends on the person though, but you get 60 free games with ps+ per year. Many pc gamer are buyin dozens of cheap pc games on steam sales for even more money then ps+ costs.

There are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of free PC games, some are the best games of all time, some even have more gamers playing it than there are PS4 consoles sold currently.

PS+ and your 60 free games aren't really free. You are paying for that.
If you were to spend the amount of cash you would on PS+ subscription for something like... Humble Bundle, you could get hundreds and hundreds of more games a year for the same cost.

Consoles you pay more for games and accessories and for online.
PC you pay more for hardware, but ends up cheaper over time thanks to cheaper games and accessories and free online.

The consoles have low-end hardware anyway, it's not diffuclt to beat. Will be interesting to see if they end up relegated extremely to low-end once AMD releases ZEN and their GPU's transition to 14nm.

Regardless, you have certainly shown your Pro-Console stance on this topic. So there is that. :P Need someone who has zero leanings or care factor in either direction to truly make a fair comparison as a large portion of your points I disagree on.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--