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Pemalite said:

Drop the CPU/GPU combo and go second hand. You can get a second hand quad-core sandy bridge + motherboard, which will give you more performance and save you some cash.

Likewise, forget the Geforce 750, get a second hand Radeon 7850 - 7950 and overclock.


Used Hardware will probl. break faster. So you wont save money in the long run. BTW: Used ps4s are also cheaper so your whole argument just dont count. Overclocking reducing lifespan of you hardware (special with cheap fences) as well

Case can be "free" if you are willing to go to a computer recyclers/store and pick up an old one that's being discarded, or just use a pizza box.

So thats what PC gaming is about? So much hassle just to save some bucks to be able to compete with a console? You know, instead of looking for an ugly old pc case, i can just pick up an ps4 and im fine. Will probl look better then any case below 100 bucks.

Heck you could pick up a whole Quad Core Nahelem or Sandy-Bridge based PC for stuff all these days... And all they want is a GPU upgrade.

You don't have to have an Xbox controller. A $5 keyboard and mouse combo will suffice.

Sorry but cheap 5$ Keyboards and mouse arnt as good quality as 8th gen controllers, so your gaming expierence on pc will be inferior in terms of controls. Why should i hassle with all this, using cheap and second hand hardware, if i can just get an brand new ps4 even cheaper with good quality controller? Why?

You have this thing called "choice" in the PC space.

Yeah, i can get an Ps3, xbo 360, ps4, xbox one, wii u, Nintendo 3ds, Ps Vita. Thats choice too.

Let's not forget either that you don't have to pay for online and you get cheaper games, it kinda helps pay for any hardware.

In the end i guess you will be cheaper on consoles anyway. It always depends on the person though, but you get 60 free games with ps+ per year. Many pc gamer are buyin dozens of cheap pc games on steam sales for even more money then ps+ costs.