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MegaDrive08 said:

You do realise there counter arguments all over the internet, i could find scientific research thay counters what you have just said, if you think what you consume has no affect on your body your an idiot, fruits like nuts and seeds are part of our natural diet, you probably think drinking milk from an entirley different species of animal is normal to!!! Im a Vegetarian going Vegan, ive never felt better or had so much energy as i do now, ive also stopped ageing, if it aint natural i dont consume it.

You stopped ageing... lol sure... Don't know if I can take you serious or not. Anyway, I agree to an extent, eating too much meat isn't healthy, but that's the case with a lot of things. About milk, it didn't use to be ''natural'', but humans (with the exception of some African tribes) have developed a resistance against lactose, and it is completely fine to drink, but again, not too much. Meat on the other hand has always been part of the human diet.

Again, did you read my post? Different types of food have different effects on our body, but acidity doesn't matter.

It depends on how the research is conducted. I've seen and read plenty of half-arsed research papers in my life, but the things that's usually worse is the conclusions people draw. The raw data itself is usually interpreted wrongly. A lot of people tend to confuse causation and correlation. I can conduct a research where I follow 5,000 people that consume ''processed'' foods and 5,000 people that are on a ''natural'' diet (or even vegetarians if you want). I'm almost certain that the results will show that group A, the one that consumes relatively more ''processed'' foods are more likely to develop cancer than group B. However that isn't proof that ''processed'' foods cause cancer. There's usually a lot more going on. It's just a correlation, not a causation. If you're very concious about what you eat, you probably don't smoke and you probably work out more as well; thus you're more likely living a healthier life than group A, thus explaining why group A is more prone to develop cancer than group B, not necesarily because they have a more unhealthy diet, but because their entire lifestyle is likely less healthy. But still, you need to find what actually causes the cancer and how it causes cancer.