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Player2 said:
JRPGfan said:
Bish please... I drink coffee all day, eat lots of greens, a small glass of red wine with dinner, dont smoke....

I ain giving up my bacon!

Coffee ir a 2B carcinogen.

"This category is used for agents, mixtures and exposure circumstances for which there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans"


Pretty sure Ive read alot of "coffee = good, less risk of cancer".


Like this:

upper aero-digestive tract:  "observational studies, published between 1989 and 2009, reported a 36% reduced risk for cancers of the oral cavity/pharynx (relative risk 0.64) between highest (3-5 and more cups per day)"

cancer of the oesophagus:   "A recent, large meta-analysis found that coffee consumption was inversely associated with oesophageal cancer (relative risk 0.55)7" 

Coffee and stomach cancer:   "found no association between coffee consumption and the development of stomach cancer"

Coffee and liver cancer:    "This risk reduction reached a mean value of 30% in coffee drinkers versus non coffee drinkers, with up to 55% lower risk in heavy coffee consumers (relative risk 0.45)."

Coffee and cancer of the pancreas:  "Another meta-analysis of 14 cohort studies, covering Europe, the United States and Japan and including 671,080 individuals (1,496 cancer events) followed up for over 14 years, also identified an inverse association between coffee drinking and risk of pancreatic cancer in men. Regular coffee drinkers had an 18% lower risk of cancer than non-drinkers; low to moderate coffee drinkers had a 14% lower risk; and high coffee drinkers had a 32% lower risk17."

Coffee and colorectal cancer:

"Recently, a fourth meta-analysis including 15 cohort studies looking at coffee consumption and colorectal cancer found an inverse association between coffee intake and the risk of colorectal cancer7."


I could go on (it helps on alot other types of cancers as well), but you get the point.

These are FACTs, with study cases that prove it.