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nanarchy said:

christ grow up! I am sure people will finish it much faster than you. Just as I am sure it will take me many times longer than most people.

So responding to accusations of me lying about how long it took to complete warrants being told to "grow up"? right. 
I was dissappointed on the length because I completed it in that amount of time just playing it casually, the same as most people would, I wasn't skipping cutscenes, I wasn't sprinting through levels, just playing it normally.

After all of the articles stating the campaign was 15hr+ i feel quite well within my rights to be dissapointed by less than 7 hours, even if set to normal, i'll likely play it again on heroic when looking for the remaining 3 skulls i didn't find playing through the first time at some point in the future.

Also, i'm pretty sure the majority of people that will be playing Halo 5 will, just like me, play through it on normal too, thus my observation based on my experience with the game is a valid one, will the be people that do it in less time? yes, will there be people that put 200+ hours in to it? yes, and many many more that will put that long into the multplayer too, but as I had stated many times in the past, pvp multiplayer has never interested me, so for me the only draw was campaign.