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Really enjoying the Witcher 3 expansion so far. POTENTIAL WITCHER 3 HEARTS OF IRON SPOILER NEXT TWO SENTENCES:

Just finished romance dialogues with Shani. Also playing on Death March I died nearly 15 times fighting Olgierd. The frog wasn't so bad but Olgierd tore me a new one.

I have mixed feelings about both the Steam Link and Steam Controller.

I really like how the controller controls in games like The Witcher 3. It also seemed to work decently although not great to play CIV 5 on my TV. Not nearly as fast as a mouse or PC but faster then an xbox controller. Using it in the walking dead was bad as the game had a difficult time telling if i was using a keyboard and mouse or xbox controller. It played very well in Skullgirls and for whatever reason I really enjoy the left D PAD for fighting games.

Steam Link has been a mixed bag, even know I Have a 5ghz Wi-fi connection within 10 feet of my router (only one wall in between) most games ran very poorly or aduio was bad on Wi-FI. Until I hooked up my powerlink to it then games were smooth and most audio issues were fixed. Additionally, game crashes are more frequent then I would like causing me to get up and move to the PC. Defeinitely needs some more improvements. I played some Broforce with my friend and the walking dead with my wife and local co-op worked well. The only problem is finding games that will work with Steam Link