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Prime's area design, for the most part, is spot on, but there's a couple areas where Retro went overboard and went from making a room that's challenging yet fair to navigate to one that is simply obnoxious. Most of these areas are found in the Phazon Mines leading up to the Omega Pirate, but one in particular that deserves mention is the big room in the Impact Crater before Metroid Prime. This is partially due to the existence of Fission Metroids, but most of what makes these rooms annoying is the fact that you are forced to return all the way to the very beginning if you screw up and begin the platforming process once again. As Prime goes on, it tends to make its rooms more difficult to traverse by simply making them more frustrating rather than fairly challenging.


Oh boy I still have nightmares over this....

I was never able to finish the first Prime when I was a kid. My first time finishing the game was when I revisited the game a few years later on my teen years. I actually beat Prime 2 before Prime 1 becuase of the hard time I had in Phazon Mines.....

Nintendo and PC gamer