Snoorlax said: I don't agree with the enemy A.I. being good but that's just me. I didnt like the boring areas, the navigation which between the worlds, the beam ammo< like really? good thing they came back to their senses in Prime 3. Pretty much everything (except Dark Samus) sucked about this game, really. Well, i should have said the uncreative use of same enemies just on hyper drugs, like were they really any more menacing? They did more damage and forced you into hypermode but that only made it more annyoing as they were still easy to kill and i could easily get out of hyper mode by just mashing the A button. And the boss battles? well they were kinda easy but that just me. |
...I guess if everything's going to be described as just "boring," then I'm not sure how exactly to proceed. I personally think that the areas were a bit blander myself, but the core gameplay is very much the same. I'm curious as to how someone who really enjoyed Prime suddenly hates Echoes for a couple more mistakes.
As for the enemies...they are the same enemies with hypermode. They put a twist on the formula by having the entire universe become more "corrupted" as time goes on, similar to what theoretically should be happening. It also encourages the player to use hypermode, which is good, considering it's the main new gameplay mechanic. Boss battles are a bit easier, perhaps, but I really don't see how easier boss battles and enemies having hypermode take a game you thought was great and make it "average."