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It's not really them actually trying to "commit", it's them more or less taking bits and pieces from XB1 and slapping them on PC much later on at full price and locked to Windows 10 only, same with their attempt at giving PC folk a wireless XB1 gamepad with dongle that will only apparently work with windows 10.

Basically you either take our OS or you're fucked, that's hardly a commitment, I like 7 and it's nowhere close to being like XP in terms of the dodo and there are still plenty of folk on 7 let alone 8 that haven't moved. I really really don't fancy the way 10 is in general (yes I have tried it, step off) and I don't like them locking everything onto it either and going with "take it or leave it" kind of attitude, they aren't the winners this gen and they aren't doing so hot with PC folk, beggars can't be choosers(don't throw us into that phrase I swear to god), the least they could do was actually give us ports on time and not 5 years down the line at full price for minimal changes and throw it on their 3 current OS's, that way they sell plenty more in terms of software sales which is what the game should be all about when it comes to them and making a profit on PC since they don't sell hardware prebuilt desktops to PC gamers, it's all about the software.

I'd love to play Halo 5 though but certainly not 5 years or 10 years later, it's gotta be next year at the least and let me play it on 7 and don't lock it to only your store on one OS, won't ever get a sale from me going about it that way.

(Whoever quotes me don't throw in Windows 10 as a software sales argument, I'm not going to bother with that).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"