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twesterm said:
Final Fantasy VI

And no, I'm not listing this just because it's a FF game. The game actually had pretty complex characters that just about all of them were very well developed. The game also dealt with pretty difficult love issues, genocide, and even suicide.

I'd buy it. If only for the twist where you actually lose... big time before you win, and with all the drama that was in it. Hard to say with games like that though since they do follow your pretty standard mold aside from that.

Reminds me of another square game that never got localized, that seems to follow the script of an RPG perfectly, but then you the hero... don't get the girl. In fact someone else does... after you spend like... years preparing to get her back and go through all sorts of trouble to do so. It's great cause it leads you to think the main characters are going to hook up, leading up to the rescue, then it doesn't happen and your in a weird place motivation wise, cause the other side is definitly still evil but your pissed off.

I mean, i've played games like Front Mission 3.  Where the geo-political goings on actually made sense in real world settings and not how most geo-political games don't because they just wouldn't work how they do in the game.  Which I guess would count.