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noname2200 said:
HoloDust said:

Yeah, it's really quite sad how little Fallout 3 is actual Fallout game - atmosphere is nowhere near as engrossing as in first 2 games, story and characters are much weaker, humor is almost completely absent, but probably the worst offender is the world itself - both Fallout 1 and 2 had such memorable and varied communities, something that is sorely missing in Fallout 3.

While I'm firmly in the camp that 3 is not as good as 2 or New Vegas, and am with you on the other points, I have to strongly disagree with the bolded. 3 was the game that most pushed the "50's future" motif, and it did so quite well.

And it did a good job of wringing humor from that concept, more so than any of its predecessors did. Even aside from that, it had many humorous moments; off the top of my head, there's the entire setup of the Republic of Dave, the bitterness of Three-Dog's understudy, just about everything revolving around the Naughty Nightwear, etc. It certainly had more humor than 1, which was largely not a funny game.

I don't know, sure there is some humour, but I just don't find FO3's humour to actually be...funny. NV did it a lot better, then again (mostly) those are people who made FO 1/2. But maybe times and targeted audience have just changed, I can't really imagine Bethesda going with "Our dedicated boys keep the peace in newly annexed Canada" in intro of FO1, and things like 'Child Killer' and 'Porn Star'.

As for atmosphere, I will have to strongly counter-dissagree with you - for me FO 1/2's atmosphere is very much tied into how different and unique places and settlements in those games are and how good characters and dialog was - and with all those I find FO3 really lacking. Add to that generic Hollywoodish music by Inon Zur instead of masterpiece that Mark Morgan's soundtrack is, something that really helped define FO 1/2, and you have a game that, at least for me, fell flat when it comes to 'Fallout' feel.

I see it as a missed opportunity, but I still find it quite decent game - maybe FO4 will be better in that regard, but given they're doing it again without Obsidian, I'm cautious about it.