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Pavolink said:
Goodnightmoon said:

They are called the triforce heroes, they are not Link, just 3 random guys, the whole game does not mention Link and that princess is not Zelda. They did that to not made fans like you angry because of the more comic lighthearted focus of this game, to make clear that this game is something different from the typical Zelda, a spin off that you should not take so seriously, just have fun with it playing with friends. Yet here you are making a drama because this is not an AAA mainline Zelda.

Oh, good. So, it was clearly a spin-off since the beggining. Basically, a filler because there's nothing more to come to the console. Glad to see we agree.

If you didn't know something they're revealed almost day one, do you really have any right to shit on this game? Come on, that's just ridiculous. I barely followed the game until a week ago and I knew that early on. I get that you don't like the concept, but if you're not even going to do the research to back up your stance and instead blindly bash it, you have no right to be in this thread. 

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