SWORDF1SH said: How do the 3rd party bundle deals work? I imagine Sony sign a deal with Activision and write out a cheque to allow for a certain amount of bundles to be made. Once those bundles are gone, that's it. With the TLOU bundle, I think Sony want to phase it out and replace it with the NDC bundle. What Sony probably didn't expect it the TLOU bundle to be way more popular that the NDC bundle. |
I'm not sure about that. The TLOUR bundle has been around for a very long time, with no end date suggested. I think the onlyh reason they could do that bundle is because of how well the game did. They made their money and promoting the franchise was worth any losses from that point on. I don't think the Nathan Drake collection has done nearly enough numbers to warrant the same appoach.
The PS5 Exists.