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LuckyTrouble said:
I feel like those 9/10 reviews and such really should have taken into account the fact that the single player experience is lacking and a huge waste of time. I mean, sure, the game is multiplayer focused, but the single player is still a significant portion of the available modes of play. I appreciate that it is meant to be multiplayer focused, but including lacking content should affect the overall package rather than just kind of being glossed over in the final review score.

I feel like some sites are just rating it high because Zelda is attached to the title, while other sites are overreacting and giving it horribly low scores. From what I've read about the game, from the (honestly kind of dumb) story to the somewhat lacking dungeon design, I think a seven sounds about right. It may be a fun multiplayer experience if you have friends to play with, but if you don't know people to play with or simply plan on going it alone, you should pass on the title.

Either way I don't expect the game to sell all that well. It will still be passable, I'm sure, but that's about it.

I understand what you are saying, and I completely agree with you. However, you need to also consider that games like Call of Duty are typically reviewed based on their multiplayer aspects, so if anything, it makes the reviews fair.