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A friend of mine doesn't belive Halo Wars will reach much further than a million but I just took a look at the Command & Conquer 3 Sales for Xbox 360 and they're 500 Thousand. So its a no brainer that Halo Wars will get more than a million because

a) C&C was released multiplatform.

b) C&C was released early 2007 when the userbase for the 360 was at just under 9 million, if the 360 reaches 24 million this xmas then thats 15 million more potential buyers.

c) Halo Wars will very much most probably be much much better.

d) It has the Halo name.

e) Its out before christmas.

 I know it will pass a million but I don't know how far an rts can go on a console? anybody like to make an estimate?