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This is how I get it.
Wii U August 42.5k, 110% increase 89k

From cream sugar percentages
Wii U makes up 12% 89k / 12 = 7.4166k per 1 %
PS4 7.4166 * 48% = 356k
X1 7.4166 * 40% = 296k

Wii U 89k - PS4 356k - X1 296k

This would put the X1 above last years 283k.

It's been mentioned earlier in the thread. Articles with information from people who have the exact figures said PS4 and Xb one are both down compared to Sept 2014. So any estimate that puts Xb one up compared to Sept 2014 would be due to rounding errors and lack of precise information. Unless anyone has a quote from an independant analysts which notes Xb one being up compared to Sept 2014 then the venture beat article saying it's down is the final word on the matter.

"Even the Xbox One and PS4 didn’t sell as well as last year."

Edit: Actually re-reading that sentence it could mean Xb one and PS4 combined, not Xb one and PS4 individually. So I guess there is still a possibility that Xb one is slightly up. I'm still leaning towards Xb one being slightly down because I've yet to see any independant article saying "even though Xb one is up on Sept last year, the PS4 being down means 8th gen as a whole is down compared to Sept 2014" or something like that. I would think analysts would normally note those stats behind the stats.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix